COMPSAC Symposia
COMPSAC 2019 is organized as a tightly integrated union of symposia, each of which will focus on technical aspects related to the theme of the conference. Please visit the symposia pages below for more information, and submit your papers directly to the symposia through the submission link. If you wish to propose a new symposium that is not included on this list, please contact Sorel Reisman, Standing Committee Chair, at
Deadlines and due dates are available on the Important Dates page.
Paper templates and additional information for authors is available on the Information for Authors page.
ASYS: Autonomous Systems
ASYS symposium as a forum for discussion of ideas and results in a wide spectrum of topics related to autonomy in technical systems covering theory, design, implementation, application and analysis of autonomous systems. Read More…
ASYS Symposium Chair: Mihhail Matskin, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
CAP: Computer Architecture & Platforms
The Computer Architecture & Platforms Symposium (CAP) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners that study and build computer systems consisting of disparate components, using different metrics and methods, but providing synergetic effects. Read More…
CAP Symposium Chairs: Cristina Seceleanu, Malärdalen University, Sweden and Keji Kimura, Waseda University, Japan
CELT: Computing Education & Learning Technologies
Technology and education have wandered many separate but rarely intersecting paths throughout the 20th Century. In the 21st Century, the convergence of cost effective computing and networking products, methodologies, and services is finally enabling more researchers and practitioners than ever before to explore innovative ways to use computer technologies to manage and enhance the teaching and learning experience. Read More…
CELT Symposium Chair: Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick & Lero, Ireland; Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
DSAT: Data Sciences, Analytics & Technologies
DSAT invites authors to present recent findings, innovations, theories, experiences, and ideas. Technical contributions accepted by DSAT will likely cover theory, applications, pragmatics, systems and services enabled by the Web, underlying technologies, data science, e-science, and concomitant big data analytics. Read More…
DSAT Symposium Chairs: Kathy Grise, IEEE Future Directions Program Director, USA and Maria Lee, Shih Chien University, Taiwan
EATA: Emerging Advances in Technology & Applications
In this symposium, discussions of emerging technologies from the point of view of service and application architecture, as well as service innovations and their deployment in communities by leveraging the cutting-edge technologies are highly appreciated. Conceptual discussions are also welcome. Read More…
EATA Symposium Chairs: Ali Hurson, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Hiroyuki Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan; Dan Lin, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA; Toyokazu Akiyama, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
HCSC: Human Computing & Social Computing
The rapid development of computing technologies has paved the way for involving human interactions in the physical and cyber world. These interactions, including both human interactions with each other and with computing systems of any kind, are playing increasingly important roles in our lives. Examples of such interactions include but are not limited to improving human life and well being, discovering knowledge, enabling personalized and context-sensitive services, detecting interesting events/phenomena in the natural environment, enhancing system performance, etc. Read More…
HCSC Symposium Chairs: Katsunori Oyama, Nihon University, Japan; Moushumi Sharmin, Western Washington University, USA
ITiP: IT in Practice
IT in Practice (ITiP), cosponsored by IT Professional, covers a broad range of emerging innovative IT applications and serves the interests and needs of IT practitioners and researchers as well as application developers and IT managers from business, industry and government. Read More…
ITiP Symposium Chairs: Fulvio Corno, Politecnico di Torino, Italy and San Murugesan, BRITE Professional Services, Australia
MOWU: Mobile, Wearable & Ubiquitous Computing
MOWU Symposium’s scope covers recent advances in wireless communications and the proliferation of powerful mobile devices that have enabled a wide range of mobile services, everywhere and anytime, supporting the sustainable development of ubiquitous software and infrastructure to enhance digital autonomy. Read More…
MOWU Symposium Chairs: Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong and Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster, UK
NCIW: Networks, Communications, Internet & Web Technologies
NCIW symposium provides a forum to share the latest innovations on Internet technologies and applications. Read More…
NCIW Symposium Chairs: Behrooz A. Shirazi, Washington State University, USA and Tomoki Yoshihisa, Osaka University, Japan
SCH: Smart & Connected Health
The goal of the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) symposium is to provide an international forum connecting data, people and systems towards the development and integration of innovative computer, software and applications supporting the transformation of health and medicine. Read More…
SCH Symposium Chairs: Ji-Jiang Yang, Tsinghua University, China, May Wang, Georgia Tech, USA, and William Chu, Tunghai University Taiwan
SEPT: Security, Privacy & Trust in Computing
SEPT is aimed to primarily cover the security, privacy, and trust aspects of software technologies and applications. Read More…
SEPT Symposium Chairs: Katsuyoshi Iida, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen’s University, Canada
SETA: Software Engineering Technologies & Applications
We invite submissions of high quality research papers that describe original, unpublished work on any topic related to software engineering technology including but not limited to empirical and theoretical work on software engineering, conventional software engineering and also work on emerging topics. Read More…
SETA Symposium Chairs: W.K. Chan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK
SISA: Smart IoT Systems & Applications
The aim of this symposium is thus to bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the recent advances in the area of smart embedded IoT. Read More…
SISA Symposium Chair: Jiannon Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong