SCH: Smart & Connected Health

SCH 2019 Program

SCH 1: Smart & Connected Health
Wednesday July 17, 8:00 – 9:30
Location: Ballroom C

Session Chair: Hossain Shahriar, Kennesaw State University, USA

Improving Classification of Breast Cancer by Utilizing the Image Pyramids of Whole-Slide Imaging and Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks
Li Tong, Ying Sha and May D. Wang

Compliance Checking of Open Source EHR Applications for HIPPA and ONC Security and Privacy Requirements
Maryam Farhadi, Hisham Haddad and Hossain Shahriar

Generation of Infectious Disease Alerts through the Use of Geolocation
Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo

[J1C2] Computer Vision Based Systems for Human Pupillary Behavior Evaluation: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Cleyton Silva, Cristhiane Gonçalves, Eduardo Nery, Joyce Siqueira, Fabrizzio Soares, Rodrogio Albernaz Bezerra, Hedenir Monteiro Pinheiro, Eduardo Nery Rossi Camillo, Augusto Paranhos Junior and Ronaldo da Costa

SCH 2: Smart & Connected Health
Wednesday July 17, 1:00 – 2:30
Location: Ballroom C

Session Chair: Sahra Sedigh, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA

The Causes Analysis of Ischemic Stroke Transformation into Hemorrhagic Stroke using PLS (partial least square)-GA and Swarm Algorithm
Chihhsiong Shih, You-Wei Chang and Cheng Chung Chu

Fully Automatic Intervertebral Disc Segmentation Using Multimodal 3D U-Net
Chuanbo Wang, Ye Guo and Zeyun Yu

Comparing Health Outcomes in San Francisco and Boston Metro Areas
Swapna Gokhale

Call for Papers

The goal of the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) symposium is to provide an international forum connecting data, people and systems towards the development and integration of innovative computer, software and applications supporting the transformation of health and medicine. Advances in communications, computer, and medical technology have facilitated the practice of personalized health, which utilizes sensory computational communication systems to support improved and more personalized healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices.  The proliferation of broadband wireless services, along with more powerful and convenient handheld devices, is helping to introduce real-time monitoring and guidance for a wide array of patients. Research community and industry are now connecting medical care with technology developers, vendors of wireless and sensing hardware systems, network service providers, and data management communities.

The symposium encourages research and breakthrough ideas in areas of smart and connected health such as networking, pervasive computing, analytics, sensor integration, privacy and security, socio-behavioral models, and cognitive processes and system and process modeling. The forum will increase more awareness of the constraints arising from clinical and medical needs, barriers to change, heterogeneity of data, semantic mismatch and limitations of current cyber physical systems and an aging population.

The SCH symposium seeks inter-disciplinary collaborative research that lead to new fundamental insights; and encourages empirical validation of new concepts through research prototypes, ranging from specific components to entire systems. It will open collaborations between academic, industry, and other organizations to establish better linkages between fundamental science, medicine and healthcare practice and technology development, deployment and use.

Submissions could consist of theoretical and applied research in topics including, but not limited to:

  • Smart intervention for prevention of diseases
  • Privacy preserving data analytics
  • Smart and connected environmental public health
  • Post operative health management
  • Trauma treatment
  • Patient-centric home
  • Cognitive haptic based rehabilitation system
  • Privacy preserving computation in genomic data
  • Personalized drug delivery
  • Monitoring of health conditions such as joint kinematics
  • Mining for smart healthcare such as drug-drug interaction from Health Record Databases
  • Patient similarity learning from massive clinical database
  • Computer guided training systems in healthcare such as laparoscopy
  • Smart and wearable systems to support mobility impaired children
  • Non-invasive and wearable diagnosis of health conditions such has sepsis
  • Wearable devices for in home monitoring of heart failure
  • Smart systems for prediction and assessment of health conditions such as acute respiratory distress symptoms
  • Intelligent clinical decision support systems
  • Personalize evidence-based medicine
  • Smart systems for reducing obesity
  • Smart and Connected Health –Wellness and Prevention to Acute and Chronic Care
  • Smart and Connected health for various care such as palliative and cancer
  • Security and privacy in Smart and Connected health
  • Telemedicine and mobile health for Smart and Connected Health
  • Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • Data Analytics in Smart and Connected Health
  • Ethics, privacy, and research regulations in Smart and Connected Health

The symposium seeks original, unpublished high impact research manuscripts on all topics related to smart and connected health topics. Papers will be selected on the basis of novelty, technical merit, presentation effectiveness and impact of results.

SCH Symposium Chairs

Ji-Jiang Yang, Tsinghua University, China

May Wang, Georgia Tech, USA

William Chu, Tunghai University Taiwan

SCH PC Chairs

Sahra Sedighsarvestani, Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA

Hossain Shahriar, Kennesaw State University, USA

SCH Program Committee

Emmanuel Agu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Anna Pyayt, University of South Florida, USA
Bian Jiang, University of Florida Health Cancer Center, USA
Christopher Nugent, Ulster University, UK
Chi Zhang, Kennesaw State University, USA
Femke De Backere, Ghent University, Belgium
Gianfranco Michele Maria, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Hillol Sarker, IBM, USA
Jennifer Chen, Rutgers University, USA
Jim Weimer, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Krishna Venkatasubramanian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Imen Magdiche, IRIT, France
Lin Feng, University of Colorado Denver, USA
Mehdi Adda, University of Quebec, Canada
Rachid Chelouah, Université Paris-Seine/EISTI, France
Jackey Gong, University of Maryland Baltimore Country, USA
Ali Hasan Sodhro, Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan
Saoussen Bel Hadj Kacem, Carthage University, Tunisia
Mouna Mayouf, ESI, Algeria
Hongbo Ni, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Marc Lacoste, Orange Labs, France
Gonçalo Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Laura Barnes, University of Virginia, USA