SAPSE 2019: The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects for Process and Services Engineering

SAPSE 2019 Program

SAPSE 1: The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects for Process and Services Engineering
Monday July 15, 4:15 – 5:30
Location: Ballroom B
Session Chair: Stelvio Cimato, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Making the Pedigree to Your Big Data Repository: Innovative Methods, Solutions, and Algorithms for Supporting Big Data Privacy in Distributed Settings via Data-Driven Paradigms
Alfredo Cuzzocrea and Ernesto Damiani

Generating Real Time Cyber Situational Awareness Information
Through Social Media Data Mining
Ariel Rodriguez and Koji Okamura

Call for Papers

Goal of the workshop

The workshop aims to foster cooperation among software practitioners and researchers in order to exchange the latest industrial experience and research ideas on the security of services and processes engineering. The area of processes and services engineering is a very attractive field for innovative research, particularly in the last years, when the outsourcing of business processes on the cloud has become a popular paradigm for both small and big companies. Collaborative processing and outsourcing of data, services, processes and infrastructures on remote platforms are posing new important challenges.  Security aspects in such scenario must be very carefully addressed, since the resulting software systems are expected to function correctly and resist also to malicious attacks. New techniques and methodologies are needed to be able to build better, more robust and more trusted systems, where security is taken into account and integrated in the whole  design process since the very first stages.

Scope of the workshop

Researchers and practitioners all over the world, from both academia and industry, working in the areas of process engineering, service-oriented computing, and security are invited to discuss state of the art solutions, novel issues, recent developments, applications, methodologies, techniques, experience reports, and tools for the development and use of secure service oriented systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Trust, security, and privacy in cloud and/or service based systems
  • Secure business process composition
  • Security of business processes over the cloud
  • Risk management in business processes
  • Trust and policy management in clouds
  • Service dependability, survivability, and reliability
  • Design and development of secure services
  • Security specification of service oriented systems
  • Certification of cloud-based systems
  • Verification, validation and testing of security properties

SAPSE Organizer

Stelvio Cimato, Università degli Studi di Milano

Program Committee

Nadia Bennani, University of Lyon, France
Carlo Blundo, University of Salerno, Italy
Chiara Braghin, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Ernesto Damiani, EBTIC, Khalifa University, UAE
Chun-I Fan, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Omar Hasan, University of Lyon, France
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
Silvia Mella, STMicroelectronics, Italy
Itzel Vazquez Sandoval, University of Luxembourg
Hung-Min Sun, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
James C.N. Yang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Chan Yeob Yeun, KUSTAR, UAE