Data Driven Intelligence for a Smarter World
In the era of “big data” there is an unprecedented increase in the amount of data collected in data warehouses. Extracting meaning and knowledge from these data is crucial for governments and businesses to support their strategic and tactical decision making. Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) makes it possible for machines, processing large amounts of such data, to learn and execute tasks never before accomplished. Advances in big data-related technologies are increasing rapidly.
Milwaukee’s Emerging Tech Scene
The Milwaukee region is transforming into a thriving, innovation-based economy where technology, entrepreneurship and innovation are core to the region’s success. Dozens of local companies and organizations have joined forces to advance the Milwaukee Tech Hub movement! Read More…
Visiting Milwaukee
More than 22 million people visit Milwaukee each year for convention, events, business and leisure travel. They come from around the world for all kinds of reasons: attending a business conference, visiting family and friends, taking in the world’s biggest music festival, or simply enjoying the area’s natural beauty and central Midwestern location.
IEEE-HKN will hold a Professional Induction ceremony at COMPSAC
To nominate a candidate for Professional Membership in IEEE-HKN please visit
J1C2/C1J2 Publishing
COMPSAC offers opportunities to recommend our best papers for inclusion in IEEE publications, and to encourage presentation of already published journal papers during the conference. Read More…
IEEE Xplore Open Preview is Available!
COMPSAC 2019 is once again offering Open Preview, a new IEEE program designed to increase speed to market, allow for accelerated access to research, as well as increase visibility of our conference publications.
Open Preview allows conference proceedings to be available in the IEEE Xplore digital library, free of charge to all customers, one month before the conference until the conference ends. Access to the conference proceedings will also be available via the conference mobile app.
COMPSAC 2019: Open Preview link
Note: On July 19 Open Preview closes and papers move to subscription‐based access on IEEE Xplore.