ASYS: Autonomous Systems

ASYS 2019 Program

ASYS 1: Autonomous Systems
Tuesday July 16, 8:00 – 9:30
Location: Ballroom D

Session Chair: Mihhail Matskin, KTH, Sweden

Cooperative UAVs Gas Monitoring using Distributed Consensus
Daniele Facinelli, Matteo Larcher, Davide Brunelli and Daniele Fontanelli

Increasing Self-Adaptation in a Hybrid Decision-Making and Planning System with Reinforcement Learning
Christopher-Eyk Hrabia, Patrick Marvin Lehmann and Sahin Albayrak

AILiveSim: An Extensible Virtual Environment for Training Autonomous Vehicles
Jerome Leudet, Francois Christophe, Tommi Mikkonen and Tomi Männistö

ASYS 2: Autonomous Systems
Tuesday July 16, 1:00 – 2:30
Location: Ballroom D

Session Chair: Shatha Jaradat, KTH, Sweden

Learning Distributed Cooperative Policies for Security Games via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Hassam Sheikh, Ladislau Boloni and Mina Razghandi

The SAMBA Approach for Self-Adaptive Model-Based Online Testing of Services Orchestrations
Lucas Leal, Andrea Ceccarelli and Eliane Martins

Visual Tracking with Autoencoder-Based Maximum A Posteriori Data Fusion
Yevgeniy Reznichenko, Enrico Prampolini, Abubakar Siddique, Henry Medeiros and Francesca Odone

Call for Papers

COMPSAC 2019 symposium on Autonomous Systems is an integral part of the overall IEEE COMPSAC 2019 conference. We propose ASYS symposium as a forum for discussion of ideas and results in a wide spectrum of topics related to autonomy in technical systems covering theory, design, implementation, application and analysis of autonomous systems. Autonomous behavior is defined as an ability to act without direct supervision from outside entities (humans or other devices). Such a behavior, recently implemented in many practically utilized systems such as autonomous vehicles, autonomous software agents, autonomous robots and others, is becoming prominent for the next generation engineering systems.  In this symposium we foresee a highly fruitful and constructive discussions involving top-level experts both from academia and industry about the current state and future perspectives of autonomous systems.

A list of particular relevant areas for contributions to the AUS symposium includes, but is not limited to:

  • Theory of Autonomous Systems,
  • Autonomous Agents and Autonomous Software Systems
  • Intelligence and Learning in Autonomous Systems
  • Autonomous Robotic Systems
  • Applications of Autonomous Systems
  • Real-Time Perception, Decision and Control for Autonomous Systems
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Autonomous Drones
  • Sensing, Communicating and Processing Big Data for Autonomous Systems
  • Social Aspects of Applying Autonomous Systems

ASYS Symposium Chair

Mihhail Matskin, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

ASYS PC Chairs

Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Daniele Fontanelli, University of Trento, Italy
Raphaël Troncy, EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, France

Program Committee

Choon Ki Ahn, Korea University, Korea
Sahin Albayrak, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Antonio Bicchi, University of Pisa, Italy
Ladislau Boloni, University of Central Florida, USA
Lynne Coventry, Northumbria University, UK
Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy
Adriano Fagiolini, University of Palermo, Italy
Daniele Fontanelli, University of Trento, Italy
Luca Greco, CentraleSupélec, France
Anne Håkansson, University of Tromsø, Norway
Giovanni Iacca, University of Trento, Italy
Paul Jenning, University of Warwick, UK
Mazoor Khan, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Guiseppe Lipari, University of Lille, France
Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick and Lero, Ireland
Mihhail Matskin, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Andrew McNeill, Northumbria University, UK
Anila Mjeda, University of Limerick and Lero, Ireland
Lucia Pallottino, University of Pisa, Italy
Luigi Palopoli, University of Trento, Italy
Paolog Salaris, INRIA, France
Fikret Sivrikaya, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Raphael Troncy, EURECOM, France
Arkady Zaslavsky, Deakin University, Australia