OER 2019: The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Open Educational Resources for Computer Science & Information Technology
OER 2019 Program
OER 1: The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Open Educational Resources for Computer Science & Information Technology
Practices Based on OER
Monday July 15, 1:00 – 2:30
Location: AMU 157
Session Chairs: Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécncia de Madrid
Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prototyping for Internet of Things with Web Technologies: A Case on Project-Based Learning using Scrum
Bahtijar Vogel, Bo Peterson and Blerim Emruli
Mindset for Software Architecture Students
Lotfi Ben Othmane and Monica Lamm
Implementing Cybersecurity into the Wisconsin K-12 Classroom
Hsiao-An Wang, Dennis Brylow and Debbie Perouli
An Approach for Developing a Conceptual Quality Model by Changing the Learner Behavior with OER
Ahmed Alzaghoul and Edmundo Tovar Caro
OER 2: The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Open Educational Resources for Computer Science & Information Technology
Cooperation with OER
Monday July 15, 3:00 – 4:15
Location: AMU 157
Session Chairs: Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécncia de Madrid
Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Keynote: Online National Master in AI? An extremely successful model of collaboration based on OER
Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick and Lero, The Irish Software Research Centre
Panel: Transnational Cooperation with OER
Panelists: Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dave Towey, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Claudio di Martini, Politecnico de Torino
Call for Papers
Workshop Theme: Opening the Learning in the Fields of Computer Science and Information Systems/Technology
Open Education Resources (OER), are freely available learning materials, discoverable on the World Wide Web, are becoming increasingly popular internationally at all levels of education, and across almost every discipline. OER can provide an opportunity for innovation through their empowerment as co-creators, offering the opportunity to reuse and adapt existing resources, making richer and even less expensive learning experience for students while also make the teaching experience more fulfilling for instructors. OERs can also encourage international collaboration in teaching and learning.
The 3d IEEE International Workshop on Open Education Resources for Computer Science & Information Technology (OER 2019), seeks to bring together educators, teacher trainers, professional associations, OER researchers and other stakeholders in Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT) Education,
In particular, we welcome theoretical and empirical proposals emphasizing opportunities offered by Open Education as a means to empowerment and to increase accessibility and quality of educational opportunities for all in CS and IT education, in five strategic areas proposed in the document known as the “Ljubljana OER Action Plan 2017, namely: building the capacity of users to find, re-use, create and share OER; language and cultural issues; ensuring inclusive and equitable access to quality OER; developing sustainability models; and developing supportive policy environments.
We also welcome papers on related e-learning technologies and methodologies in general.
OER Organizers
Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Email: edmundo.tovar@upm.es
Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email: henry.chan.comp@polyu.edu.hk
Program Committee
Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Henry Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick and Lero, The Irish Software Research Centre.
Claudio di Martini, Politecnico de Torino
Dave Towey, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China,
Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
Bernardo Tabuenca, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Sorel Reisman, Professor Emeritus, California State University, Fullerton