COMPSAC Workshops

COMPSAC 2018 is offering 23 workshops, including a number of new workshops, to complement the main conference program under the theme, Staying Smarter in a Smartening World. Please click on the links below to visit each workshop’s call for papers. Submit your papers directly to the workshops on this list. If you would like to propose a workshop that is not included on this list, please contact Sorel Reisman, Standing Committee Chair, at

Deadlines and due dates are available on the Important Dates page.

Paper templates and additional information for authors is available on the Information for Authors page.

Workshops Program Co-Chairs:
Kenichi Yoshida, University of Tskuba, Japan
Ji-Jiang Yang, Tsinghua University, China
Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Chung Horng Lung, Carleton University, Canada