COMPSAC Workshops
COMPSAC 2018 is offering 23 workshops, including a number of new workshops, to complement the main conference program under the theme, Staying Smarter in a Smartening World. Please click on the links below to visit each workshop’s call for papers. Submit your papers directly to the workshops on this list. If you would like to propose a workshop that is not included on this list, please contact Sorel Reisman, Standing Committee Chair, at
Deadlines and due dates are available on the Important Dates page.
Paper templates and additional information for authors is available on the Information for Authors page.
Workshops Program Co-Chairs:
Kenichi Yoshida, University of Tskuba, Japan
Ji-Jiang Yang, Tsinghua University, China
Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Chung Horng Lung, Carleton University, Canada
The aim of this workshop is to discuss and advance state of the art research and development in the area of architecture, design, deployment and management of networks and Internet-based applications.
This workshop will provide an interactive forum for discussion on recent and ongoing developments, key issues and challenges, and practices related to AI applications. It will also provide a platform to demonstrate applications and software tools, and present case studies and application experience.
The goal of this workshop is to share and discuss the most advanced researches and development studies in the area of “Big Data Management and Infrastrucutre for the Internet of Things”.
The aim of this workshop is to discuss and advance the state-of-the-art, research and development in the area of consumer devices and systems, and to promote the study of both fundamental and practical aspects of such devices and systems.
The theme of the workshop is to advance research on legal-activity-enforced cyber physical systems in an innovative way.
Emotion and Affective Computing is one of the most attractive areas of interest for innovative human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence engineering, system application design, and brain machine computing areas.
E-Health systems play a significant role in the well-being of individuals, be it as medical solutions or for healthcare towards everyday wellbeing of individuals. New models and methods continue to be developed to produce safer healthcare environments.
The theme of this workshop is to continuously gather current requirements of autonomous technical systems which are highly interrelated through defined interfaces and embedded in a complex environment.
The workshop aims to provide researchers and practitioners a forum for presenting and discussing research challenges, design/implementation of new architectures, and experiences on timely/real-time utilization of massive information flows which IoT devices and cyber-physical systems generate.
This workshop aims at providing opportunities for sharing leading-edge technical topics and professional development including research and experimentation methodologies on the Future Internet.
The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to share research results, advances and practical experience related to medical computing areas.
This workshop aims to discuss and advance research and development of practical systems to fight against cyber attacks.
The workshop will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the methodology and technology of software reuse which emphasizes meeting strict quality requirements, such as dependability, agility, security and performance, particularly in the context of emerging types of software systems.
The workshop aims to foster cooperation among software practitioners and researchers in order to exchange the latest industrial experience and research ideas on services and processes engineering.
Smart computing and applications are those applications that incorporate data-driven, actionable insights into the user experience. SCA 2018 will address the technical challenges facing technologists who are developing and deploying these smart systems and applications.
The workshop is dedicated to the security and privacy aspects of identity management (IDM) in smart devices, the cloud, or blockchain and distributed ledger environment.
SIS-SS is intended to show and promote cutting edge and ready-to-market technologies of the IoT (Internet-of-Things) for healthcare, software solutions for the collection and exchange of health data, and algorithms with direct and practical impact on such technologies and solutions.
Test automation aims to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of software testing by using various techniques and methods. Other benefits are consistency and accuracy, reduction of overall test cycle time, risk mitigation of manual testing, and increase in overall product quality.
STPSA will focus on techniques, experiences and lessons learned with respect to the state of art for the security, trust, and privacy aspects of both pervasive and non-pervasive software applications along with some open issues.