2018 IEEE Computer Society Awards and COMPSAC Awards
to be presented at the COMPSAC 2018 Awards Banquet, July 25, RHIGA Royal Hotel Tokyo
The IEEE Computer Society sponsors the Awards Program to recognize both technical achievement and service to the Society. In the technical area, recognition may be given for pioneering and current contributions to the field of computer science and engineering. Service awards are given to both volunteers and staff for well-defined and highly valued contributions to the Society. In addition, the Society encourages nominations of its members for appropriate IEEE awards.
We are pleased to announce that COMPSAC will host the presentation of the and 2018 Technical Achievement Award on July 24 at the COMPSAC Welcome Reception and the 2018 Pioneer Award at the July 25 Awards Banquet.
COMPSAC will also present a joint award from the Information Processing Society of Japan and the IEEE Computer Society. Details on this award are coming soon!
Reception: Tuesday July 24, 6:30pm
Location: Gakushikaikan (map)
3-28 Kandanishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8459
Banquet: Wednesday July 25, buses leave at 5:40 – 6:25 from the conference venue. The banquet room opens at 6:30pm. The banquet will start at 7:00.
Location: Rhiga Royal Hotel Tokyo (map)
1-104-19 Totsuka-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8613
2018 IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award
Bjarne Stroustrup

2018 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award
Margaret Martonosi

2018 IPSJ/IEEE Computer Society Award
To Be Announced

2018 COMPSAC Best Paper Awards
To Be Announced

The Computer Pioneer Award was established in 1981 by the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society to recognize and honor the vision of those people whose efforts resulted in the creation and continued vitality of the computer industry. The award is presented to outstanding individuals whose main contribution to the concepts and development of the computer field was made at least fifteen years earlier. Bjarne Stroustrup is the 2018 Computer Pioneer Award Winner for bringing object-oriented programming and generic programming to the mainstream with his design and implementation of the C++ programming language. The award will be officially presented to Stroustrup at the COMPSAC Awards Banquet on July 25 at the RHIGA Royal Hotel Tokyo, Japan.
COMPSAC Keynote: Bjarne Stroustrup
IEEE Computer Society Press Release

A certificate and $2,000 honorarium are presented for outstanding and innovative contributions to the fields of computer and information science and engineering or computer technology, usually within the past ten, and not more than fifteen years. Margaret Martonosi is the 2018 Technical Achievement Award Winner for her contributions to power-aware computing and energy-constrained mobile sensor networks.. The award will be officially presented to Martonosi at the COMPSAC Welcome Reception on July 24 at the Gakushikaikan, Tokyo, Japan.
Research Highlights – Interview with CRA
Research Talk, Institute for Quantum Computing (June 10, 2015)
The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society will present a joint award at the COMPSAC banquet. More details will be announced as they come available.
COMPSAC 2018 will select a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award. The first author of a Best Student Paper award must be a full time student. Selections will be made by conference leadership from nominations by Symposium Chairs and Session Chairs. The awards will be made at the COMPSAC Awards Banquet at the RHIGA Royal Hotel Tokyo on July 25.
In addition to Best Paper Awards, authors of the best technical contributions to COMPSAC 2018 may be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for consideration by reputable journals. In the past, certain technical contributions to COMPSAC have been designated for eventual publication in journals including IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Journal of Systems and Software, and Computer Communications — among others.