Staying Smarter in a Smartening World
Computer technologies are producing profound changes in society. Emerging developments in areas such as Deep Learning, supported by increasingly powerful and increasingly miniaturized hardware, are beginning to be deployed in architectures, systems, and applications that are redefining the relationships between humans and technology. As this happens, humans are relinquishing their roles as masters of technology to partnerships wherein autonomous, computer-driven devices become our assistants. What are the technologies enabling these changes? How far can these partnerships go? Read the full Call for Papers.
News & Announcements
IEEE Open Preview
COMPSAC 2018 is offering Open Preview, a new IEEE program designed to increase speed to market, allow for accelerated access to research, as well as increase in visibility of the conference publication. Open Preview allows conference proceedings to be available in the IEEE Xplore digital library, free of charge to all customers, one month before the conference until the conference ends. Access to the conference proceedings will be available via the conference mobile app or directly on the Xplore digital library.
Open Preview closes and papers move to subscription-based access on IEEE Xplore: 28 July 2018