ESAS: The 13th IEEE International Workshop on E-Health Systems and Web Technologies
Call for Papers
ESAS 2018 fosters the following complementary objectives:
i. Inquiring into the theory and practice of engineering e-health systems, especially methods, means, and best cases;
ii. Exploring into unifying software engineering methodologies employed in implementing e-health applications across domains also preserving security and privacy of patient health records; and,
iii. Deploying new technologies in big data analytics, knowledge-basedexpert systems, machine learning, and Web technologies towards affecting e-health/m-health systems especially for distributed healthcare for all.
E-Health systems play a significant role in the well-being of individuals, be it as medical solutions or for healthcare towards everyday wellbeing of individuals. New models and methods continue to be developed to produce safer healthcare environments. The rapid growth of using such devices and technologies in medical fields has generated new opportunities for emerging application improvement. However, huge challenges still continue to be resolved in order to develop consistent, suitable, safe, flexible, and power-efficient systems fit for medical needs. In unison with the main conference, the main theme of ESAS 2018 will be applying Big Data, Web Technologies and machine learning in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering for “Staying Smarter in a Smartening World”.
Scope of the Workshop
Seminal Web technologies render dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed and shared content equally accessible to human reader and software agents. Distributed agents functioning autonomously can utilize Web content to gather and aggregate knowledge for reasoning and inferring new results towards achieving their goals and generating new knowledge. Such knowledge in turn may be disseminated and used to achieve the shared goal of the application system. Here the vision is to achieve a synergy with e-health systems whereby both semantics and agents will be equally in the center stage. Therefore, paper proposals on approaches and applications of big data analytics, knowledge-base expert systems, machine learning, security, privacy, and Web technologies for affecting e-health/m-health systems are welcome. Topics of interest span a wide spectrum in both theory and practice of the following systems: autonomous web based intelligent agents, web services, software agents, mobile agents, intelligent systems, architectures, expert systems, big data solutions, machine learning approches, multi-agent, emerging, mobile, cloud, diagnosis and monitoring, medical feedbacks, agent communities, develop, image and video processing, ontology, inferencing, safety & security, other QoS issues, privacy and so on. Authors are invited to submit original technical papers and novel research contributions in any aspect of e-health and covering but not limited to the topics of interest listed below.
Main Topics of Interest
e-health Systems though Web technologies by considering:
⎯ Autonomic analysis, monitoring and situation alertness
⎯ e-health big data: Access, aggregation and use
⎯ Body sensor networks and wearable sensor systems on e-health
⎯ Medical biofeedback
⎯ Medical decision support expert systems and tools
⎯ Context awareness and autonomous computing for ambient assisted living
⎯ e-health oriented software architectures (Agent, SOA, Middleware, etc.)
⎯ e-health virtual and augmented reality
⎯ Emerging e-health applications
⎯ Mobile e-health applications
⎯ Health grid and health cloud
⎯ Health monitoring and traffic classification
⎯ Healthcare management systems
⎯ ICT-enabled personal health system
⎯ Image and video processing on e-health
⎯ e-health devices and smart parts for healthcare systems
⎯ Semantic Web and e-health systems
⎯ Ontology engineering and inferencing on the e-health systems
⎯ Semantic Rule Base processing in e-health
⎯ Security, privacy and protection of personal data in e-health systems
⎯ Case studies
Special Issue
A sequel is being proposed to the successful ESAS Workshops Series (2006 – 2017) of the COMPSAC conferences. ESAS 2018 involves semantic intelligence and application, especially for semantic agent systems on intelligent e-technology, big data, social networking, e-learning, online education, bio information, smart medical and e-health systems. The authors of selected original technical papers and novel research contributions in any aspect of e-health involving expert systems – knowledge engineering will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for possible publication (after additional review) in a special issue of Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Online ISSN: 1468-0394; SCI-E, IF: 1.18).
ESAS Program Schedule
Monday July 23, 11:30 – 1:00pm
Session 1: E-health and Staying Smarter
Location: Meeting 101
Session Chair: Atilla Elci, Aksaray University, Turkey
Situ-centric Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation of Tasks in Activities of Daily Living in Smart Homes
Richard Oyeleke, Chen-Yeou Yu, Carl Chang
Development of a Performance Visualization Model of Basic Life Support Training with Feedback Devices for Mobile Application
Navadon Khunlertgit
Monday July 23, 2:00 – 3:30pm
Session 2: Applications for E-health and Staying Smarter
Location: Meeting 101
Session Chair: Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, USA
Ontology-based Obesity Tracking System for Children and Adolescents
Ozgu Tacyildiz, Duygu Celik Ertugrul, Yiltan Bitirim, Nese Akcan, Atilla Elci
Are mHealth Apps Secure? A Case Study
Alessio Della Libera, Chiara Braghin, Stelvio Cimato
Monday July 23, 4:00 – 5:30pm
Session 3: Monitoring for E-health and Staying Smarter
Location: Meeting 101
Session Chair: Stelvio Cimato, University of Milan, Italy
An Android Application for Geolocation Based Health Monitoring, Consultancy and Alarm System
Emre Oner Tartan, Cebrail Ciflikli
Knowledge Based e-Health Surveillance System for Predicting Hospital Acquired Infections
Amin Noaman, Abdul Ragab, Nabeela Al-Abdullah, Arwa Jamjoom, Farrukh Nadeem, Anser Ali
ESAS Workshop Organizers
Atilla Elci
Aksaray University, TURKEY
Email: atilla.elci (at)
Duygu Celik Ertugrul
Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, Mersin-10,TURKEY
Email: duygucelik (at), duygu.celik (at)
ESAS Program Committee
*Alex Abramovich, Gordon College, Israel
*Atilla Elci, Aksaray University, Turkey
*Bo Hu, University of Southampton, UK
*Chattrakul Sombattheera, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
*Duygu Celik Ertugrul, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
*Sunanda Dixit, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, India
*Erdogan Dogdu, Cankaya University, Turkey
*Ibrahim Gokcen, GE International, Turkey
*Laurentiu Vasiliu, Peracton Ltd., Ireland
*Maurice Pagnucco, University of New South Wales, Australia
*Mehmet Emin Aydin, University of the West of England, UK
*Metin Zontul, Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey
*Murat Osman Unalir, Egean University, Turkey
*Mustafa Jarrar, Sina Institute – Birzeit University, Palestine
*Ovunc Ozturk, Celal Bayar University, Turkey
*Ozgu Can, Agean University, Turkey
*R. Rajesh, Bharathiar University, India
*Riza Cenk Erdur, Agean University, Turkey
*Rym Z. Mili, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
*Sule Yildirim Yayilgan, Gjovik University College, Norway
*Tugba Ozacar Ozturk, Celal Bayar University, Turkey
*Vassilya Abdulova, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi
*Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA
*Yıltan Bitirim, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
*Zeki Bayram, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus