HCSC: Human Computing & Social Computing
The rapid development of computing technologies has paved the way for involving human interactions in the physical and cyber world. These interactions, including both human interactions with each other and with computing systems of any kind, are playing increasingly important roles in our lives. Examples of such interactions include but are not limited to improving human life and well being, discovering knowledge, enabling personalized and context-sensitive services, detecting interesting events/phenomena in the natural environment, enhancing system performance, etc. Such widespread use of computing technology also raises novel questions surrounding accessibility of use, legal and ethical issues of information creation, capture and sharing, and privacy of users. The HCSC symposium seeks full papers (10 pages max) and short papers (6 pages max) that concentrate on:
1) how humans interact with computing systems and with each other through computing systems and environments
2) how interactions between humans and other agents on social networking platforms can be leveraged to predict user and group behavior, study social phenomena and discover knowledge;
3) how to design accessible computing technology, and increase awareness of risks and benefits of computing technology;
4) how emerging technology such as wearable sensors are used in improving human lifestyle and well-being
5) what new challenges emerge as humans use computing technology in everyday life (privacy risks, ethical and legal challenges).
We welcome papers with emphasis on one or both topics of human-centric computing and social computing. In particular, topics of interest in HCSC include but are not limited to:
- human-centric visualization, representation, and modeling of Big Data;
- human-centric system and interface design and evaluation for health and well-being;
- context-aware and situation-aware computing;
- design of affective technology;
- social computing approaches and tools, such as social search, social network analysis and visualization;
- social multimedia services and tools;
- study of real-world events and phenomena through analyzing interactions in social networking platforms;
- social communication systems;
- social multimedia knowledge discovery;
- verification and quality aspects of social media information and content;
privacy issues in everyday computing devices and social networking environments.
HCSC Symposium Schedule
Tuesday July 24, 11:00 – 12:30pm
Session 1
Location: Meeting Hall 3
Session Chair: Katsunori Oyama, Nihon University, Japan
Coarsening Network Based on Local Link Similarity for Community Detection
YuZhu Wu, QianWen Zhang, JinKui Xie
What Graphs Do International Investors See in the ASEAN Capital Markets?
Uthai Tanlamai
Decision Making Support of UAV Path Planning for Efficient Sensing in Radiation Dose Mapping
Tokishi Morita, Katsunori Oyama, Taiju Mikoshi, Toshihiro Nishizono
Tuesday July 24, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Session 2
Location: Meeting Hall 3
Session Chair: Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, Japan
A Japanese Software Keyboard for Tablets that Reduces User Fatigue
Teppei Yajima, Hiroshi Hosobe
An Aurora Image Classification Method based on Improved Sparse Representation and Distributed WKNN
Yichun Li, Ningkang Jiang
Wednesday July 25, 11:00 – 12:30pm
Session 3
Location: Meeting Hall 3
Session Chair: Filip Jagodzinski, Western Washington University, USA
Invited Talk: Deep Learning-based Assessment of Cognitive Dysfunction for Screening Test of Dementia
Kaoru Sakatani
Paper submission for COMPSAC symposia are now closed.
Deadlines and due dates are available on the Important Dates page.
Paper templates and additional information for authors is available on the Information for Authors page.
HCSC Symposium Co-chairs
Moushumi Sharmin, Western Washington University, USA
Email: moushumi.sharmin@wwu.edu
Katsunori Oyama, Nihon University, Japan
Email: oyama.katsunori@nihon-u.ac.jp
HCSC Program Committee
Ishtiaque Ahmed, Cornell University, USA
Shameem Ahmed, Western Washington University, USA
Zahra Ashktorab, University of Maryland, USA
David Griol Barres, Universidad Carols III de Madrid, Spain
Pravin Chopade, ACTNext by ACT Inc., USA
Chien Hsing Chou, Tamkang University
Hasan Shahid Ferdous, The University of Melbourne, Australia
MD Munirul Haque, Purdue University, USA
Filip Jagodzinski, Western Washington University, USA
Rene Kaiser, Know Center, Austria
Shang-Hong Lai, National Tsing Hua University, China
Na Li, Prairie View A&M University
Yuhong Liu, Santa Clara University, USA
Kazunori Nozaki, Osaka University Dental Hospital, Japan
Farzana Rahman, Florida International University, USA
George Rizos, Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas, Greece
Hillol Sarker, IBM Research, Cambridge
Awalin Nabila Sopan, FireEye, Inc.
Mu-Chun Su, National Central University
Hideyuki Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan
Anbang Xu, IBM Research, Almaden
Tatsuya Yamazaki, Niigata University, Japan
Arkaitz Zubiaga, University of Warwick