Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup will deliver the July 26 keynote address on What Students Should Know About C++. He will also receive the 2018 IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award at the conference banquet on July 25.
Bio: Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++ as well as the author of The C++ Programming Language (Fourth Edition) and A Tour of C++, Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (Second Edition), and many popular and academic publications. Dr. Stroustrup is a Managing Director in the technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City as well as a visiting professor at Columbia University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and an IEEE, ACM, and CHM fellow. He is the recipient of the 2018 NAE Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering and the 2017 IET Faraday Medal. He did much of his most important work in Bell Labs. His research interests include distributed systems, design, programming techniques, software development tools, and programming languages. To make C++ a stable and up-to-date base for real-world software development, he has been a leading figure with the ISO C++ standards effort for more than 25 years. He holds a master’s in Mathematics from Aarhus University and a PhD in Computer Science from Cambridge University, where he is an honorary fellow of Churchill College.
Keynote Address
July 26, 9:00am, Hitotsubashi Hall
What Students Should Know About C++
Abstract: I work in industry and teach part time at the university level. After 11 years as a full time professor and 30 years in industry, I have a strong interest and considerable knowledge about what graduating students need to know about software development and programming in C++. I have taught them, hired them, mentored them, and work with them. This presentation reflects on what students need to know about C++ to become effective software developers. My talk will focus on how to use C++ to deliver reliability, maintainability, and performance. I will outline key design technique and the language and library features that support these topics. I will touch upon resource management, generic programming, and C++17.
Award Presentation
July 25, COMPSAC Awards Banquet
2018 IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award
The Computer Pioneer Award was established in 1981 by the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society to recognize and honor the vision of those people whose efforts resulted in the creation and continued vitality of the computer industry. The award is presented to outstanding individuals whose main contribution to the concepts and development of the computer field was made at least fifteen years earlier. Bjarne Stroustrup is the 2018 Computer Pioneer Award Winner for bringing object-oriented programming and generic programming to the mainstream with his design and implementation of the C++ programming language. The award will be officially presented to Stroustrup at the COMPSAC Awards Banquet on July 25 at the RHIGA Royal Hotel Tokyo, Japan.
IEEE Computer Society Press Release – 2018 Pioneer Award