COMPSAC 2022 will be completely virtual as it was in 2020 and 2021, and all presentations will be done virtually. We will announce this update also in the submission acceptance letters to authors. Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide a video of their presentation together with the submission of the final version of their papers. COMPSAC will provide detailed guidance regarding preparation and submission of these videos.
CAP: Computer Architecture & Platforms
Call for Papers
The Computer Architecture & Platforms Symposium (CAP) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners that study and build computer systems consisting of disparate components, using different metrics and methods, but providing synergetic effects. These systems usually act as reusable supporting platforms for a wide range of applications, potentially restricted by specific domains.
CAP is uniquely positioned within COMPSAC to address relevant topics related to the conception, design, deployment and utilization of a variety of architectures and platforms – from mobile to networked data centers. Non-limiting topics include:
- requirements analysis
- co-analysis, co-design and co-verification
- modeling, design, development, testing, measurement, verification and validation for function, performance, safety, security, and dependability constraints of cyber-physical systems and networked systems.
The effective construction of computing systems is not restricted solely to the field of computer science and engineering, but it is truly a multidisciplinary effort. Multidisciplinary work, research and development of software prototypes, industry-university collaborations, all based on emerging and critical concepts and technologies are of particular interest to this symposium.
Please visit Information for Authors for formatting instructions, page limits, and IEEE paper templates.
Important dates for submission and notification are listed here.