Fast Abstract Symposium

The Fast Abstract symposium is a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and researchers in the computer software and applications fields to come together and share their knowledge. The submitted FA article will be reviewed as a Fast Abstract and should be a two-page article presenting, for example, new ideas, work in progress, or opinions that address issues relevant to computer software, applications, and related fields.

We are delighted to receive contributions with innovative ideas grounded in either theory, application, or development experience and supported by initial results or proof of concept. The presenter will have the opportunity to discuss their research, methodology, and results with other researchers and receive useful guidance and feedback from the community.
Authors are encouraged to submit summaries of their original work (not published or submitted elsewhere). All submissions must be written in English, and be a maximum of two pages in length, in 10-point font using the IEEE conference proceedings format. Each submission should include the title of the paper, a 150-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. Submissions will be carefully evaluated on the basis of their creativity, importance in the field, technical skill,
presentation quality, and adherence to abstract submission requirements. All accepted Fast Abstracts will be published in the electronic COMPSAC 2024 proceedings.

Fast Abstract Organizers

Michiharu Takemoto, International Professional University of Technology in Tokyo (IPUT)

Nazmus Sakib, Kennesaw State University

Important Dates – Workshops

Workshop, Fast Abstract, SRS, JC Notification
May 10, 2024 (updated)

Camera Ready & Registration due
May 25, 2024