Student Research Symposium
Call for Papers
The Student Research Symposium (SRS) at COMPSAC provides a forum for both undergraduate and graduate students to interact with other students, faculty mentors, and industry practitioners.
The SRS seeks to bring together students working in computer software and applications and related fields. In particular, we welcome students who have already settled on a specific research topic and have produced limited preliminary results, but who still have enough time remaining before their final defense to benefit from symposium discussions.
All accepted papers will be published in the electronic COMPSAC proceedings.
Students are encouraged to submit summaries of their original work (not published or submitted elsewhere). All submissions must be written in English with a maximum of 4 pages in 11-point font using the IEEE conference proceedings format. Each submission should include the title of the paper, name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. The first author must be a student, but the advisor or non-student collaborators may be co-authors. In addition, each submission must 1) clearly articulate the topic of the research; 2) summarize the critical issues and current approaches used in the field; 3) describe the proposed research concept, the intended methodology, the evaluation strategy, and results to date; 4) specifically identify the contributions of the proposed work.
Evaluation of submissions will be based on their originality, significance of potential contribution to the field, technical merit, presentation quality, and adherence to abstract submission guidelines.
The student author of every accepted paper must register with a student registration fee. Failure to do so will result in exclusion of the paper from the COMPSAC proceedings.
Symposium Chairs
Susumu Takeuchi, NTT, Japan
Hossain Shahriar, Kennesaw State University, USA