COMPSAC 2025 Symposium on Emerging Advances in Technology & Applications (EATA)
EATA uniquely positions itself to be a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present recent findings, innovations, theories, methodologies, and practical experiences to emerging advances in technologies and applications. These advances leverage today’s convergence of massive information sources, powerful analysis techniques, and nearly instant access from any point on the globe. In this symposium, discussions of emerging technologies from the point of view of service and application architecture, as well as service innovations and their deployment in communities by leveraging the cutting-edge technologies are highly appreciated. Conceptual discussions are also welcome. The submitted papers will be evaluated based on their innovation, advancement of technologies, and level of research achievement. Topics solicited include but are not limited to:
- social network and crowd sourcing
- e-health and Web well-being
- smart cities and public spaces
- sustainable computing
- cloud, fog and edge computing
- green computing
- IoT
- pervasive computing
- service federations
- life log
- sensor network applications and services
- morphic computer design
- blockchain technologies
- evolutionary computing
- security
EATA Symposium Chairs
Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Dan Lin
University of Missouri
Program Committee
Ali Allami, Vanderbilt University
Hiroyuki Sato, National Institute of Informatics
Kecheng Yang, Texas State University
Important Dates – Symposia
Camera ready copy: June 1st, 2025
Conference: July 8-11, 1015
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
IEEE Conference Publishing Policies
All submissions must adhere to IEEE Conference Publishing Policies.
IEEE Cross Check
All submission will be screened for plagiarized material through the IEEE Cross Check portal.