13th IEEE International Workshop on Consumer Devices, Systems and services (CDS 2025)
The goal of the workshop
The aim of this workshop is to explore and advance cutting-edge research and development in the field of consumer devices, systems, and services, while fostering the study of both foundational and practical aspects of these technologies. The workshop is designed to engage researchers from diverse academic and industrial disciplines, as well as practitioners with shared interests in consumer technologies. Key topics will include innovative consumer devices, systems, and services, insights gained from their development, and emerging technologies shaping the future of this field.
Workshop theme
Consumer devices, systems, and services are becoming increasingly smarter at a rapid pace. These devices include AV equipment, home appliances, home gateways, smartphones, healthcare devices, wearables, robots, drones, and other IoT (Internet of Things) or IoE (Internet of Everything) technologies. Equipped with computing and communication capabilities, these devices interact and collaborate within emerging consumer networks. However, many of these networks still face issues with compatibility. To enable advanced consumer systems—spanning lifestyle computing, wellness, sport/fitness, entertainment, communication, medical, security, and social network services—there is a growing need for integrated architectures, protocols, and middleware. In recent years, the focus on smart homes and smart cities has increased significantly, with cloud and edge computing playing a crucial role in supporting these applications. This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers and engineers to share and discuss their latest findings in this rapidly evolving field.
Scope of the workshop
Submissions relevant to the field of consumer devices, systems, and services will be considered. However, those addressing any of the following topics will be especially encouraged:
- Smart Consumer Devices, Systems and Services
- Novel Architecture, Protocols and Middleware for Consumer Networks
- Novel Systems and Applications with Consumer Devices
- IoT and IoE for Smart Home and Smart City
- Security, Safety and Management Issues for Consumer Devices, Systems and Services
- IoT Communications for Consumer Devices and Networks
- Social Network Services for Consumer Devices
- Emerging Technologies with Consumer Devices, Systems and Services (e.g. Cloud/Edge Computing)
Recommendation to IPSJ CDS Transaction
A few excellent papers will be selected for recommendation as a “Recommendation Paper” to the IPSJ CDS Transactions by the workshop organizers.
Workshop organizer(s)
Yasuo Okabe
Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Email: okabe@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Hiroshi Mineno
Professor, Shizuoka University, Japan
Email: mineno@inf.shizuoka.ac.jp
Katsuhiro Naito
Professor, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan
Email: naito@pluslab.org
Yoshia Saito
Associate Professor, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Email: y-saito@iwate-pu.ac.jp
Yusuke Nozaki
Assistant Professor, Meijo University, Japan
Email: ynozaki@meijo-u.ac.jp
Program Committee
Akimitsu Kanzaki
Shimane University, Japan
Akihito Hiromori
Osaka University, Japan
Hidekazu Suzuki
Meijo University, Japan
Hideyuki Takahashi
Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan
Hiroshi Sugimura
Kanagawa Institute of Tech., Japan
Jun Zheng
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, USA
Kei Hiroi
Kyoto University
Kurt Tutschku
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Ryozo Kiyohara
Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Shin-ichiro Mori
Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Takeshi Kamiyama
Nagasaki University
Yusuke Fukazawa
Sophia University
Important Dates
UPDATED: Full symposium papers due
January 31, February 15, February 28, 2025
Symposium paper notification
April 7, 2025
Workshop papers due
April 15, 2025
Workshop papers notification
May 1, 2025
Camera-ready copy
June 1, 2025
Conference Dates
July 8-11, 2025
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
IEEE Conference Publishing Policies
All submissions must adhere to IEEE Conference Publishing Policies.
IEEE Cross Check
All submission will be screened for plagiarized material through the IEEE Cross Check portal.