Travel Visas to Japan

You may request a visa letter in the registration system. For attendees who have registered, but need additional documentation to receive your travel visa, please use the following contact.

Tomoki Yoshihisa, Shiga University (Chair)
Email: yoshihisa[at]

For all requests, please include the following information in your email:

Birth Year/Month/Day:
Sex: Male/Female
Home address:
Home phone number:
Flight schedule (outbound and inbound):

Hotel Name:
Hotel Address:
Phone number in Japan:
Owner of the phone number (Hotel/Company/Address):

If you will be staying additional days outside of the COMPSAC conference week, please provide the reason.

If you are an author of an accepted paper
Paper ID:
Paper Title:
Paper Author:
Symposium/Workshop etc. name to be presented:
Your paper: Please attach your paper PDF file.