SESS 2023: The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Systems
Technical Program
*= in-person presentation in Torino
Mobile Appication Based Solution for Building Accessibility Assessment for Comprehensive and Personalized Assessment
Sayeda Farzana Aktar, Shiyu Tian, Kazi Shafiul Alam, Mason Dennis Drake, Laryn Michele O’Donnell, Roger O Smith and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
A Rigorous Iterative Analysis Approach for Capturing the Safety Requirements of Self-Driving Vehicle Systems*
Fahad Alotaibi, Thai Son Hoang and Michael Butler
Towards the formal Analysis of UML Activity Diagrams in a Calculus of Context-aware Ambients*
Francois Siewe
Monitoring the Energy Consumption of Docker Containers
Mehul Warade, Kevin Lee, Chathu Ranaweera and Jean-Guy Schneider
A User Behaviour-Based Video Segmentation Strategy for High-Concurrency Environment
Danning Shen, Wenhao Zhu, Yujie Ding and Chenyun Liu
An Empathetic Approach to Human-Centric Requirements Engineering Using Virtual Reality
Nicholas Chong, Emmanuel Chu, Adrian Nadonza, Sienna Marie Rodriguez, Sothearith Tith, Jin Shan, John Grundy, Thuong Hoang, Owen Wang and Ben Cheng
Goal of the workshop:
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers to share their experiences and discuss the latest advances and innovations in software engineering with application to the development of smart systems.
Workshop theme:
Smart systems are those that are able to sense their environment context and adapt their behavior as the context changes in order to provide appropriate services to the user anytime anywhere. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an enabling technology for smart systems as it makes it possible to turn any object into a smart thing, able to sense its current situation, adapt to new situation and communicate with other smart things. There are a growing number of applications emerging from the IoT technology to include cyber-physical systems, smart homes, smart healthcare, intelligent transportation, and smart cities. Software will form a critical part of these systems to provide reliable and efficient smart services. However, developing software for smart systems is challenging due to a number of reasons: they are highly distributed; large scale; network nodes are heterogeneous; involve resource constrained mobile devices; and requirements are not fixed but change frequently. Thus, traditional methods for requirement engineering, system design, testing and verification are no longer adequate. New approaches are required to cater for changing system requirements, context–awareness, mobility and smart adaptation to changing context.
Scope of the workshop:
The workshop topics include but are not limited to the following:
- Requirement engineering for smart systems
- Model-driven engineering for smart systems
- Testing of smart systems
- Formal specification and verification of smart systems
- Cloud computing
- Internet of Things
- Context-aware and adaptive systems
- Mobile computing
- Pervasive/Ubiquitous computing
- Intrusion detection systems
- Security and privacy of smart systems
- Cyber physical systems
- Real-time control systems and robotics
- E-learning and smart educational systems
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
Important Dates
Main Conference/Symposium
Main conference/symposium papers due: 15 January 2023Extended to 15 February 2023
Notification: 7 April 2023
Camera-ready and registration due: 7 May 2023 Updated: 18 May 2023
Journal then Conference Submissions
Due date: April 7, 2023
Notifications: April 30, 2023
Workshops, Fast Abstract, SRS Programs
EXTENDED: Workshop papers due: 21 April 2023
UPDATED: Notifications: 7 May 2023
UPDATED: Camera-ready and registration due: Updated: 18 May 2023
Submission Link
Please submit your paper on EasyChair
IEEE Conference Publishing Policies
All submissions must adhere to IEEE Conference Publishing Policies.
IEEE Cross Check
All submission will be screened for plagiarized material through the IEEE Cross Check portal.
Workshop Organizers
Francois Siewe, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Sofia Meacham, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK
Shikun Zhou, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
Vasileios Germanos, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Program Committee
Thai Son Hoang
Sofia Meacham
Kirill Bogdanov
Arosha Bandara
Ali Jwaid
David Smallwood
Waltenegus Dargie
Shikun Zhou
Francisco Aparicio-Navarro
Phan Cong Vinh
Stefan Kuhn
Esther Palomar
Zhu Huibiao
Timothy A. Chadza
Emanuele Lido Secco
Wen Zeng
Qiyi Tang
Leandros Maglaras
Dimitris Kosmanos
Xiaodong Liu
Fudong Li
Xin Lu