Tuesday June 27, 1:30pm
Plenary Panel: Reinforcing European Presence in the International Standardisation Landscape
The EU-funded StandICT.eu 2023 project, carried out through 9 Open Calls (with € 3,000,000 funding earmarked over 36 months) to financially support European specialists (+300 individuals) in the context of international Standards Developing Organisations Working Groups, aims at creating a Standardisation ecosystem where the EU’s priorities and expertise are taken into account to enhance Europe’s overall competitiveness.
In this panel we will showcase a snapshot of StandICT.eu impact across European and International SDOs and ICT domains with some tangible examples of the activities carried out by the funded participants and how this meaningfully relates to the priorities listed in the European Commission Multi-Stakeholder Platform document “Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation”.
This will be the chance to present other projects’ collaterals such as:
- The series of “Landscape Standards Reports” produced by our experts under different ICT domains (AI, Smart Cities, Digital Product Passport, IoT & Edge and more), which provide an exhaustive mapping of the standardisation’s ecosystem in the corresponding areas.
- The role of our “Standards Academy”, a go-to reference platform for all training needs about ICT standard and to support the uptake and growth of newcomers in the Standardisation arena.

Francesco Osimanti
Senior Project Manager & Vice Coordinator of StandICT.eu 2023

Maria Giuffrida
Senior Research Analyst and Head of the StandICT.eu 2023 Dissemination

Gabriele Quattrocchi
Communication & Outreach Specialist at Trust-IT Srl