COMPSAC 2022 will be completely virtual as it was in 2020 and 2021, and all presentations will be done virtually. We will announce this update also in the submission acceptance letters to authors. Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide a video of their presentation together with the submission of the final version of their papers. COMPSAC will provide detailed guidance regarding preparation and submission of these videos.

IEEE International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies (ERT 2022)

 Goal of the workshop: 

The content of the workshop, including presented papers and panel session(s) will be of particular interest to emergency responders (Firefighters, Paramedics and Police), emergency response support workers (situation commanders, local emergency planning committees, etc) researchers and commercial entities exploring the application of novel technologies during emergency response situations. 

Workshop theme: 

Emergency responders play an important part in establishing a safe, secure, and stable society. Despite significant technical advancement in a broad range of societal sectors (e.g., Transport; Communication; Education), emergency responders still rely on decades old technologies that have seen little advancement since their introduction. In situations where seconds can mark the difference between life and death, the opportunity for technological solutions to improve the efficacy of emergency response is currently under explored in academia and real-life applications. New systems and methodologies are needed to be able to build better, more reliable, and more able emergency response technologies, with the aim of preserving life for both victim and responders. 

Scope of the workshop: 

Researchers and practitioners all over the world, from both academia and industry, working in the areas of emergency response contexts are invited to discuss state of the art solutions, novel issues, recent developments, applications, methodologies, techniques, experience reports, and tools for the development and use of assistive technologies by emergency responders during emergency situations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Emergency communication infrastructure 
  • Indoor localization systems and scene mapping (e.g. SLAM) 
  • Automatic and dynamic risk assessment systems 
  • Automatic victim triaging and resource allocation systems 
  • Case studies of technological intervention in emergency response situations 
  • VR/AR/MR for training and augmenting emergency response 
  • IoT based systems for emergency response 
  • Emergency situation modelling 
  • BIM and emergency situation preparation 
  • Smart city applications for facilitating emergency response 

Likely participants: Researchers, Emergency Responders (Firefighters, Paramedics and Police), Commercial entities, game designers, emergency response trainers, local emergency planning committees and other emergency response related professionals are called to participate. 

Please visit Information for Authors for formatting instructions, page limits, and IEEE paper templates.

Important dates for submission and notification are listed here.

Workshop Organizers

Matthew Pike, Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Boon Giin Lee, Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Program Committee

(to be confirmed)

Renjie Wu, University of Nottingham Ningbo China 

Xiaoqing Chai, University of Nottingham Ningbo China