HCSC: Human Computing & Social Computing
Call for Papers
Computing technologies are embedded in every aspect of human life. Rapid development of computing technologies for addressing individual, social, and community needs have made them inseparable parts of human life. These interactions, including both human interactions with each other and with computing systems of any kind, are playing increasingly important roles. Examples of such interactions include but are not limited to improving human life and wellbeing, discovering knowledge, enabling personalized and context-sensitive services, detecting interesting events/phenomena in the natural environment, enhancing system performance, etc. Such widespread use of computing technology also raises novel questions surrounding accessibility of use, legal and ethical issues of information creation, capture and sharing, and privacy of users. The HCSC symposium seeks full papers (10 pages max) and short papers (6 pages max) that concentrate on:
1) Interaction with computing systems and with each other through computing systems and environments;
2) Interactions between humans and other agents on social networking platforms to predict user and group behavior, study social phenomena and discover knowledge;
3) Designing accessible computing technology;
4) Emerging technology such as wearable sensors and mobile technology aiming to improve well-being;
5) Emerging challenges related to technology usage in everyday life (privacy risks, ethical and legal challenges).
We welcome papers with emphasis on one or both topics of human-centric computing and social computing. In particular, topics of interest in HCSC include but are not limited to:
- Human-centric system and interface design and evaluation for health and well-being;
- Interactive visualization, representation, and modeling of Big Data;
- Ethics in Computing;
- Context-aware and situation-aware computing;
- Design of affective technology;
- Social computing approaches and tools, such as social search, social network analysis and visualization;
- Social multimedia services and tools;
- Qualitative and Quantitative study;
- Design and analysis of Social communication systems;
- Social multimedia knowledge discovery;
- Verification and quality aspects of social media information and content;
- Privacy issues in everyday computing devices and social networking environments.
Important Dates
UPDATED: Main conference papers due: 18 Feb 2021
Paper notification: 15 April 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 31 May 2021
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other publication venues is not permitted. In accordance with IEEE policy, submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of alleged misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE Publication Services and Product Board Operations Manual.
Please note that in order to ensure the fairness of the review process, COMPSAC follows the double-blind review procedure. Therefore we kindly ask authors to remove their names, affiliations and contacts from the header of their papers in the review version. Please also redact all references to authors’ names, affiliations or prior works from the paper when submitting papers for review. Once accepted, authors can then include their names, affiliations and contacts in the camera-ready revision of the paper, and put the references to their prior works back.
Page limits are inclusive of tables, figures, appendices, and references. Full conference papers and workshop papers can add an additional 2 pages with additional page charges ($250USD/page).
Full conference papers: 10 pages
Journal then Conference (JC) papers: 2 pages
Industrial Practice Reports: 10 pages
Short Papers: 6 pages
Fast Abstracts: 2 pages
Student Research Symposium papers: 4 pages
Posters: 1 page
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
Note: If the submission link does not appear on EasyChair after logging-in, please click the above button again.
Symposium Chairs
Moushumi Sharmin, Western Washington University, USA
Email: Moushumi.Sharmin@wwu.edu
Katsunori Oyama, Nihon University, Japan
Email: oyama@cs.ce.nihon-u.ac.jp