ASYS: Autonomous Systems
Call for Papers
COMPSAC 2021 symposium on Autonomous Systems (ASYS) is an integral part of the overall IEEE COMPSAC 2021 conference. We propose ASYS symposium as a forum for discussion of ideas and results in a wide spectrum of topics related to autonomy in technical systems covering theory, design, implementation, application and analysis of autonomous systems. Autonomous behavior is defined as an ability to act without direct supervision from outside entities (humans or other devices). Such a behavior, recently implemented in many practically utilized systems such as autonomous vehicles, autonomous software agents, autonomous robots and others, is becoming prominent for the next generation engineering systems. In this symposium we foresee a highly fruitful and constructive discussions involving top-level experts both from academia and industry about the current state and future perspectives of autonomous systems.
A list of particular relevant areas for contributions to the AUS symposium includes, but is not limited to:
- Theory of Autonomous Systems
- Autonomous Agents and Autonomous Software Systems
- Intelligence in Autonomous Systems
- Learning and Data Analytics for Autonomous Systems
- Security, Privacy and Trust in Autonomous Systems
- Autonomous Robotic Systems
- Applications of Autonomous Systems
- Real-Time Perception, Decision and Control for Autonomous Systems
- Autonomous Vehicles and Autonomous Drones
- Sensing, Communicating and Processing Big Data for Autonomous Systems
- Social Aspects of Applying Autonomous Systems
Important Dates
UPDATED: Main conference papers due: 18 Feb 2021
Paper notification: 15 April 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 31 May 2021
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other publication venues is not permitted. In accordance with IEEE policy, submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of alleged misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE Publication Services and Product Board Operations Manual.
Please note that in order to ensure the fairness of the review process, COMPSAC follows the double-blind review procedure. Therefore we kindly ask authors to remove their names, affiliations and contacts from the header of their papers in the review version. Please also redact all references to authors’ names, affiliations or prior works from the paper when submitting papers for review. Once accepted, authors can then include their names, affiliations and contacts in the camera-ready revision of the paper, and put the references to their prior works back.
Page limits are inclusive of tables, figures, appendices, and references. Full conference papers and workshop papers can add an additional 2 pages with additional page charges ($250USD/page).
Full conference papers: 10 pages
Journal then Conference (JC) papers: 2 pages
Industrial Practice Reports: 10 pages
Short Papers: 6 pages
Fast Abstracts: 2 pages
Student Research Symposium papers: 4 pages
Posters: 1 page
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
Note: If the submission link does not appear on EasyChair after logging-in, please click the above button again.
Symposium Chair
Mihhail Matskin, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Program Committee Co-chairs
Sahin Albayrak, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Daniele Fontanelli, University of Trento, Italy
Zoltán Istenes, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Quan Zhou, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Email: quan.zhou@aalto