The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML 2021): Applications, Challenges & Concerns
Call for Papers
The goals of AIML 2021 are to present a variety of novel AI applications and case studies; to examine risks and concerns of AI and machine learning (ML); to outline practical challenges in formulating an AI strategy and deploying AI applications; to facilitate interaction and information exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, and business executives; and to discuss new concepts such as AI for good, Responsible AI, and Explainable AI.
After decades of generous promises and frustrating disappointments, artificial intelligence (AI) is delivering real-world benefits, and adopters in businesses and industry in different sectors are embracing the promise of AI reaping significant benefits. To make the connected, smartening world, smarter and to embrace AI for good for the benefit of the society, information on recent and ongoing progress and new innovative applications, as well as challenges and lessons learned need to be shared and discussed. This workshop is aligned with this year’s conference theme, “Intelligent and Resilient Computing for a Collaborative World.”. It’ll cover several elements of AI research and practice and socio-technical challenges facing adoption of AI in new innovative applications, outline status of AI in practice, and examine AI’s yet to be realised potential.
This workshop will facilitate much needed interaction and information exchange among AI researchers, practitioners and business executives. It will provide an interactive forum for discussion on recent and ongoing developments, key issues and challenges, and practices related to AI applications. It will also serve as a platform to present case studies and application experience as well as to demonstrate applications and software tools. Researchers and practitioners from all over the world, from academia, industry, and government will be invited to present their work and perspectives and participate in the workshop.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Advances in AI and machine learning, deep learning, cognitive computing, intelligent agent, chatbot
- AI strategy for business and industry
- AI applications in industry, business, healthcare, and education and training
- AI in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
- AI in government
- AI for social good
- AI in legal practice, and legal aspects of AI (liability, etc)
- Entertainment in the AI age
- AI for enhancing information security and privacy
- Work in the age of AI
- Trust, resilience, privacy and security issues in AI applications
- Testing and validation of AI and ML applications
- Risks, limitations, and challenges of AI and ML
- Legal, regulatory, ethical aspects of AI
- AI: promise vs practice
- Societal implication of the rise of AI
- Cloud AI
- Human-centered AI
- Explainable AI
- Responsible AI
- Human-machine co-existence and collaboration
- Intelligent, autonomous robots and cars
- Industry 4.0
- Smart society
- AI and IoT
- Case studies, experience reports, lessons learned
- Overview of AI activities in a region/country
- The Future of AI
Important Dates
Workshop papers due: 21 April 1 May 2021 (UPDATED)
Workshop paper notifications: 15 May 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 31 May 2021
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work, as well as industrial practice reports. Simultaneous submission to other publication venues is not permitted. In accordance with IEEE policy, submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of alleged misconduct will be handled according to the IEEE Publication Services and Product Board Operations Manual.
Please note that in order to ensure the fairness of the review process, COMPSAC follows the double-blind review procedure. Therefore we kindly ask authors to remove their names, affiliations and contacts from the header of their papers in the review version. Please also redact all references to authors’ names, affiliations or prior works from the paper when submitting papers for review. Once accepted, authors can then include their names, affiliations and contacts in the camera-ready revision of the paper, and put the references to their prior works back.
Workshop papers are limited to 6 pages. Page limits are inclusive of tables, figures, appendices, and references. Workshop papers can add an additional 2 pages with additional page charges ($250USD/page).
Paper Templates
IEEE Paper templates are available in MS Word 2003 and LaTex. All submissions must use US 8.5×11 letter page format.
Note: If the submission link does not appear on EasyChair after logging-in, please click the above button again.
Workshop Organizers
San Murugesan, Director BRITE Professional Services; Editor in Chief Emeritus, IEEE CS IT Professional, Australia
Yunji Liang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R.China
Lia Morra, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Piyush Saxena, Direct Supply, USA
Program Committee
Arindam Pal, CSIRO, Australia
Bhuvan Unhelkar, University of South Florida, USA
Helei Cui, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Jacob Biros, Chura Data in Okinawa, Japan
Juan A. Álvarez-García, University of Seville, Spain
Keng Siau, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Kenichi Yoshida, Tsukuba University, Japan
Kozo Ohara, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Krishnadas Nanath, Middlesex University Dubai, Dubai
Marco Conoscenti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Mohan K. Bavirisetty, CISCO, USA
Rajesh Subramanian, Siemens, USA
Sunil Mithas, University of South Florida, USA
Tad Gonsalves, Sophia University, Japan
Takeshi Morita, Keio University, Japan
Tania Cerquitelli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Thomas Deserno, Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics, Germany
Uttam Ghosh, Vanderbilt University, USA
Xiaolong Zheng, Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, China